Overcoming the Odds: Maria’s Story
For just a moment, think back to a time when it felt like the odds were stacked against you. When you couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. A time when failure seemed certain…when the situation seemed hopeless.
Many orphaned and vulnerable children begin their lives just like that - with the odds stacked against them. That’s why you are so important. You give these children hope for a brighter future. Your support and generosity provides safe, loving, stable family-style care to orphaned and vulnerable children around the world.
Every day, you help children like Maria, a young girl from Sonora, Mexico, find the love of a family.
Maria’s Story
Maria was a victim of abuse even before she was born. Sadly, Maria’s mother used drugs while she was pregnant.
As a result of the drug use, authorities in Sonora removed Maria from her mother’s care immediately after she was born. After receiving the initial care at the hospital, Maria was placed into an orphanage.
At just days old, the odds were stacked against Maria. Her exposure to drugs put her at risk of many different physical and developmental issues for children. And in addition, institutional orphan care has damaging physical and psychological effects on children.
Thankfully, because of your support, Maria did not have to remain in the orphanage for long. A few months after Maria was placed into the orphanage, Sonoran authorities contacted our team in Hermosillo. And the Castro family - one of the families we had recruited, trained, and certified to provide family-style care - was ready to welcome Maria into their home.
More Love to Give
This was not the first time the Castro family opened their home and hearts to a child in need of a family.
Toward the end of last year, the family cared for Gabriel, a little boy who needed temporary care while authorities located his family. Gabriel was recently reunited with his biological father in his home country of Guatemala.
While their time with Gabriel was short, the Castro family saw the positive impact of the love of a family. And while they missed Gabriel, they knew they had more love to give.
Shortly after Gabriel was reunited with his father, the Castros welcomed Maria into their home.
Growing and Thriving
Within a family environment, baby Maria received individual attention and care for the first time. And immediately, she began to grow and thrive! In the first week, she gained almost a pound thanks to the care and nutrition she was getting. We continue to celebrate as she reaches new milestones.
In addition to growing physically, Maria is also developing emotionally. She is bonding with her foster family, who say she never stops smiling.
We are so thankful that this beautiful baby girl, who was born into such difficulty and tragedy, knows the love of a family today. And it’s all because of you!
Thank you for changing Maria’s life, and for helping her overcome the odds. Thank you for being her hero!