Love That Lasts Forever: Gabriel’s Story
“You may be in our home for a season, but you’ll be in our hearts forever.”
Family-style care is never “one size fits all.” Every child’s situation is complex and unique. Some children need long-term care until they can find their forever family. Others need temporary care until they can be reunited with members of their immediate or extended biological family.
And sometimes, a child may end up all alone, far from home, needing shelter and care.
Regardless of the circumstance, every orphaned and vulnerable child needs love…and every child deserves a family. And although family-style care might be temporary, the love of a family will last forever.
For Gabriel, a young boy traveling through Sonora, Mexico, just one month in family-style care changed his life forever.
Gabriel’s Story
Gabriel is a young boy from Guatemala. When he was about 18 months old, his mother brought him along as she attempted to immigrate through Mexico to the United States.
Sadly, as Gabriel’s mother neared the US-Mexico border, she abandoned him. She left Gabriel in the care of a family near the border, who contacted the authorities in Sonora.
Previously, a child in Gabriel’s situation would have been processed into an orphanage for immigrant children. As a result, he might have remained in institutional care while the government worked through his case and searched for other family members. Being processed into an orphanage would have been one more scary, confusing, and traumatic experience for this child who was already dealing with abandonment.
But thankfully, there was another option for Gabriel. The government in Sonora contacted our team in Hermosillo, and we were able to place Gabriel into emergency family-style care.
A Temporary Stay; a Love That Lasts Forever
Gabriel was placed into a wonderful, caring family who was trained and certified by our staff in Hermosillo. The foster family immediately welcomed Gabriel into their home and their hearts.
During a time of great uncertainty, Gabriel was surrounded by love, support, and stability. This beautiful, sweet little boy knew he was safe.
After approximately one month in family-style care, the Sonoran authorities were able to locate Gabriel’s biological father. Gabriel recently returned to Guatemala and was reunited with his dad.
Although the time he spent with his foster family was short, it was so critical in his young life. After being abandoned by his mother in a foreign country, Gabriel still knew that he was wanted and loved. The love of this family will stay with him forever.
Changing The Way The World cares for Orphans
But that’s not where this story ends! Your impact in Sonora is changing even more lives as the love of this family continues on.
Just a few weeks after Gabriel returned home, this same family opened their home to a baby girl. They are continuing to show love and compassion to other orphaned and vulnerable children who desperately need a family. We can’t wait to share this little girl’s story with you as well…stay tuned!
Thank you for making this all possible! Your support allows us to provide loving family-style care in Sonora…in every type of circumstance! We are so grateful for you.
Together, we are changing the way the world cares for orphans!