changing the way the world cares for orphans
There are millions of orphaned and vulnerable children worldwide, with an estimated 2.7 million of them living in orphanages. However, there is clear and compelling research on the damaging physical and psychological effects of traditional, institutional orphan care.
When children do not receive adequate personal interaction within a loving environment, development is stunted and learning abilities are delayed or lost. Many kids age out only to face a future of crime, prostitution, or trafficking.
In fact, studies show that children who grow up in institutional care are:
10x more likely to fall into sex work
40x more likely to have a criminal record
500x more likely to commit suicide
We know there is a better way. We know every child deserves a family.
The Hope Effect is changing orphan care by providing family-based solutions. Loving family care provides opportunities for each child to flourish and thrive. To get more kids in loving families, our strategy is to:
Pioneer public family-style care
Partner with proven accelerators
Promote a better way to places of worship
Every child deserves a family. That's why we are changing the way the world cares for orphans by providing loving family care for orphaned and vulnerable children around the world.
We pioneer public family-style care in several locations around the world.
We partner with like-minded organizations to get more kids in loving families.
We promote a better way of caring for orphaned and vulnerable children.

where we change lives
The Hope Effect is currently working in multiple locations in Latin America and Southeast Asia. Visit our locations page to learn more about where we are changing the way the world cares for orphans!