Your Church Can
join the movement

partner with us as we Educate, equip, and engage churches to change the way the world cares for orphans.

orphan care is broken

millions of children around the world are being raised in orphanages.

but god’s plan for children has always been family.

Learn more about how and why we are redefining the standard and promoting a better way of orphan care from The Hope Effect’s founder and former pastor Joshua Becker.

every child deserves a family

orphanages are not the best place FOR KIDS.

Research shows that children who grow up in institutional care are:

  • 10x more likely to fall into sex work

  • 40x more likely to have a criminal record

  • 500x more likely to commit suicide


most kids in orphanages are not orphans.

Approximately 80% of children in orphanages have at least one living parent or family member who could care for them.

Good-hearted churches and individuals are unknowingly supporting and funding an orphan care structure that is damaging children and breaking up families.


Did you know…

$2.5 Billion a year goes from well-meaning u.s. churches to fund orphanages around the world.

We have a responsibility to do better.

What if we could redirect those funds to support children in families?

what can your church do to
redeem orphan care worldwide?

partner with the hope effect to become part of the solution

Get kids out of orphanages and into families by bringing family care to where you currently support orphans or to a new location.

Join us in praying for children in our care, the challenges or victories we are facing, or any other item in need of fervent prayer.

Invite The Hope Effect to share God’s heart for the orphan at a leadership meeting, church service, or special event.

Join us in signing the Global Church Pledge to see children thriving in safe and loving families.

Join The Hope Effect team for a vision trip to one of our field offices to support family-based care initiatives.

Together, we can catalyze the church's commitment to God’s heart for the orphaned and vulnerable.

Research and Resources

  • "The Hope Effect isn’t just showing kids love, but how God loves also. And it's so wonderful that families are reaching out to help these innocents. So many lives touched by God's goodness."

    Jana Uhrig, The Hope Effect Supporter

  • "Creating a warm, loving home for orphans is a cause very dear to my heart. It's biblical. The bible talks numerous times about caring for orphans and widows. It's a small way I can contribute to this meaningful endeavor."

    Lezlie Kuebker, The Hope Effect Supporter

  • "The word 'hope' says it all."

    Debora Militello, The Hope Effect Supporter


  • The Hope Effect was founded by two Christian pastors, and our entire staff (in the U.S. and in our Mexico locations) are Christian. While we are not a registered as a faith-based organization, it is our faith that inspires and propels us. Our team recognizes that God has always had a love and concern for orphans, and we believe we should also love and care for these children.

  • In Mexico, where we directly recruit families for our program, we speak at churches and invite people of faith to be a part of our work. Thankfully, many families have responded, but that is not the only place we do recruitment. We have had the pleasure of working with people inside and outside the Christian faith. Simply put, we do not require our caregivers to adhere to the Christian faith. If a family passes the background checks and requirements, we welcome them in with open arms...because every child deserves a family.

  • To protect the privacy of the children and their foster families, we do not offer sponsorships of specific children. However, we know you want your donation to be used for the reason it was given. Through our 100% Model, you can specify that you'd like 100% of your donation to go directly to orphan care.

  • There are many good-hearted churches and individuals who are sincerely trying to make a difference in the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children globally. However, by supporting orphanages, many churches are unknowingly funding an orphan care structure that is damaging children and breaking up families. We know there’s a better way. If churches and churchgoers use their compassion and generosity to help children get out of orphanages and into loving families, we will change the way the world cares for orphans. God's plan for children has always been the family.

Join Our Prayer Team

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

By joining our Prayer Team, you will receive one monthly email with special prayer requests. Generally, requests will be for specific children in our care, the challenges or victories we are facing, our staff or partner organizations, or any other item in need of fervent prayer. We are confident that incredible things will happen as we pray faithfully.