working together to change the world
Since we launched The Hope Effect in 2015, we have refined our focus and identified how we can have the biggest impact. To get more kids in loving families, we use a three-part strategy in our locations across the globe. We pioneer public family-style care, partner with proven accelerators, and promote a better way to places of worship.
Learn what it means to partner with proven accelerators from The Hope Effect’s Communications Director, Hilary Peele.
Where we pARTNER
In Nuevo León, we are getting kids out of orphanages and back into loving families.
In Chihuahua, Mexico, we helped family care grow farther, faster.
In Battambang, Cambodia, we are focusing on reintegration and prevention.
In Chiang Mai, Thailand, we are focusing on reintegration and prevention.
In Santa Rosa, we expanded family care and got more kids in loving families.

Make a donation
When you donate to The Hope Effect, you are changing lives. Your generous gift provides loving family care for orphaned and vulnerable children around the world. Thank you for changing the way the world cares for orphans!
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