nuevo león, mexico
changing lives IN nuevo león.
Monterrey, the capital of Nuevo León, is an industrial city, with many people living below the poverty line. As result, family separation is a large problem.
Orphanages in Monterrey (and across the globe) have taken on the role of poverty alleviation. Research indicates that approximately 80% of children living in institutional care worldwide actually have family members who could care for them.
However, families living in poverty often struggle to provide for their children. So loving parents – trying to give their children a better future – send them to orphanages in hopes they will have safe shelter, nutritious food, and access to education. But while these parents are trying to make the right choice for their kids, they often aren’t aware of the dangers and damaging long-term effects of being raised in an institutional environment.
We know there is a better way. We know the children of Nuevo León deserve to grow up knowing the love of a family.
Thanks to you, we are working with our experienced partner in Monterrey, Nuevo León to get more children out of orphanages and into loving families. Click here to visit our blog and learn more about our approach in Nuevo León.
Make a donation.
When you donate to The Hope Effect, you are changing lives. Your generous gift provides loving family care for orphaned and vulnerable children around the world. Thank you for changing the way the world cares for orphans!