Changing The Ending: Lucy’s Story

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We do not need to know the beginning of a child’s story to change the ending.
— Fi Newood

When we meet an orphaned or vulnerable child for the first time, we may not know all the details about the beginning of their story. Some children were orphaned due to the death of their parents. Others were abandoned. And still others lived with their biological family for a time but were removed from their home due to neglect or abuse. 

Regardless of how their story began, these children have all experienced traumatic events by the time The Hope Effect is working to find them a loving family. 

And that’s why we are so grateful for you. Because although we may not know the beginning of each child’s story, thanks to you, we can change the ending. 

Lucy’s Story

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Lucy was removed from her home in Chihuahua, Mexico, because she was in danger with her biological family. At just three years old, she had seen – and suffered – violence in her home, and she was not being properly cared for.  

After the government stepped in, Lucy was admitted into an orphanage. As you can imagine, she had severe trauma as a result of her difficult past. She also had various developmental delays along with poor physical and emotional health.

Unfortunately, the orphanage was not equipped to help Lucy process and heal. Orphanages typically have a large number of children being cared for by a rotating staff of employees, limiting the amount of individual attention for each child. As a result, Lucy did not get the support and counseling she needed to work through the events of her past.

The Pain of The Past 

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Still, Lucy was eventually cleared for adoption and moved into what was supposed to be her forever family. But because she was still holding on to the trauma and pain of her past, Lucy wasn’t able to adapt to life in a family. She didn’t know how to process her feelings and often bottled up her emotions. She had frequent temper tantrums, sometimes to the point of injuring herself. 

Her adoptive family didn’t know how to help her. Tragically, they decided it was too much and sent her back, stating that she was out of control. Lucy was then labeled “uncontrollable” by the government.

But that’s not the end of Lucy’s story! Thankfully, she wasn’t sent back to the orphanage after the failed adoption. Our team in Chihuahua was contacted, and thanks to your support, we were able to place Lucy in loving family-style care…which changed her life. 

Turning The Page

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Betsy and her daughter have previously provided family-style care for several kids, both young children and teenagers. Betsy knew about the challenges Lucy faced, and still opened her home and heart to this young girl who desperately needed the love of a family. 

As expected, when Lucy arrived, she continued to display similar behavior. But this time, her tantrums were met with love and compassion. This family wasn’t going to give up on her.  

Slowly, Lucy began to build trust and bond with Betsy and her daughter. The family’s love began to break down walls, and Lucy began to heal her heart. Lucy transformed into a different child – a sweet, kind, playful little girl. 

Recently, Lucy was adopted by new family. She is happy, healthy, and thriving! 

You Are The Hero!

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Thank you for being the hero in Lucy’s story! Because of you, Lucy is now in a loving family and has hope for her future. We know that thanks to you, the ending of her story will look much different than the beginning.  

You are doing such amazing things, and we are so grateful. Thank you helping more kids get out of orphanages and into loving families. Thank you for changing the way the world cares for orphans!


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