Finding Joy: Alonso’s Story

Riding a bike. Playing a favorite sport. Singing and dancing with friends. These activities – though seemingly simple – are often highlights of childhood memories. They are moments of joy, discovery, and growth that every child deserves to experience.

Yet, for orphaned and vulnerable children, many of these common activities remain out of reach. In institutional care, children miss out on the personal, individual attention that only a family can provide. They lack the opportunity to explore their passions and find joy in everyday moments.

We believe every child deserves a family. Every child deserves to grow up in a home where they are valued and cherished, where they can discover who they are and what they love.

That’s why we’re so grateful for you. Thanks to your support, orphaned and vulnerable children around the world are getting out of orphanages and into the love and stability of a family. Children like Alonso* are experiencing hope, healing, and joy through the transformative power of family care.

Alonso’s Story

At just under two years old, Alonso was placed into an orphanage in Sonora, Mexico after being abandoned by his biological family. At a time when he should have been surrounded by the love of a family, Alonso was cared for by a rotating staff of employees at the orphanage. Unfortunately, studies show that institutional care has damaging long-term physical and emotional effects on children.

When children don’t receive adequate personal interaction within a loving environment, development is stunted and their learning abilities may be delayed – or lost altogether. Alonso was no exception, and by the time he was three years old, he was showing signs of developmental delays in several areas.

But thankfully, Alonso’s story doesn’t end there. Last November, Alonso was welcomed into the loving arms of a foster family. And while he still faced many challenges, his life began to change.

A Long Road ahead

After spending so much time in the institution during his formative years, Alonso had developmental delays in many areas and health concerns that would need to be addressed. His foster family quickly noticed that Alonso’s motor skills were underdeveloped, and as a result, he lacked coordination. He also showed significant delays with his speech and language.

Emotionally, Alonso showed signs of stress and discomfort. He was not able to regulate his appetite, and he often overate without realizing he was full. Alonso would cry if his foster father left the home without him, and he quickly became upset in crowded environments.

In addition, Alonso’s foster family noticed that he appeared to have a nasal infection because they could often smell a bad odor coming from his nose.

Even as he struggled, Alonso tried to put on a smile and a brave face. However, his foster family could tell that his smile was fake and he was having trouble expressing his honest emotions.

Despite these initial difficulties, Alonso's story is one of remarkable transformation and hope, thanks to the unwavering support and love of his foster family. The family immediately began the journey of getting Alonso the help and care he so desperately needed.

Hope, Healing, and finding joy

Alonso's immediate health issues were a top priority. Frequent visits to the doctor revealed the cause of his nasal infections – a foreign object had been stuck in his nose for quite some time and was causing him significant discomfort. Thankfully, the doctor was able to remove the object, and Alonso began to experience relief.

In the first two weeks with his foster family, Alonso made significant strides in regulating his appetite. A balanced, age-appropriate diet helped him understand when he was full. And as Alonso’s health began to improve, the family was able to focus on discovering solutions for his development in other areas.

Alonso’s foster family introduced him to soccer, a sport that played a crucial role in enhancing his motor skills. And the improvement was immediate. In fact, within a month, Alonso also learned how to ride a bicycle! Bike riding quickly became one of his favorite activities, and one he now enjoys daily.

Five months into his foster care journey, Alonso has discovered a passion for dancing and singing. His language skills have improved significantly – he now has a broader vocabulary, clearer speech, and can even pronounce more challenging sounds and letters.

Socially, Alonso no longer gets stressed in group settings. He actively participates, recently performing solo in his preschool's talent show and standing out in a group dance!

A Life Transformed

Alonso’s transformation is amazing and inspiring. He has grown more relaxed, and his genuine smile reflects his newfound sense of security. He turns to his foster parents for support, a testament to the strong bonds he has formed.

In school, Alonso’s teacher reports that he exhibits good behavior, follows instructions, and engages well in class activities. He shares toys with his classmates, demonstrating his progress in social interactions.

And Alonso has not only grown emotionally and socially...he’s seen tremendous physical growth as well. After just five months in family care, Alonso has grown almost three inches and gained more than a pound and a half in weight!

Alonso’s journey from a challenging start to a thriving, happy child is a powerful reminder of the impact of a supportive, caring family environment. We are so grateful that because of you, this beautiful little boy has hope for the future thanks to the love of a family. Thank you for making it possible!

Monthly Giving. Maximum Impact. Join the Circle of Hope!

This month, we have a special opportunity to help even more children like Alonso experience the love and joy found in a family. During National Foster Care Month, we invite you to partner with us by joining our Circle of Hope - our team of generous supporters who are maximizing their impact through monthly giving.

The movement to transition children from orphanages to loving families is gaining momentum - which is wonderful news! However, the demand for family-based care is outpacing our resources. We urgently need your support to maintain our standard of excellence and expand our reach.

Every gift makes a difference. For example, $25 a month provides a "Welcome Home" kit for a child entering a new family, and $100 a month supports family recruitment events and community awareness campaigns.

We'd love to welcome you to the Circle of Hope. Visit our Circle of Hope page to learn more and join the team!

Thank you for your support and generosity. Together, we are changing the way the world cares for orphans…because every child deserves a family.

*The child’s name has been changed to protect his privacy.


A Brighter Future: Mariana’s Story


Monthly Giving. Maximum Impact. Join The Circle Of Hope.