Orphan Sunday is a day where people across the globe come together with a shared vision - to stand up for orphaned and vulnerable children. Every year since 2004, the Church has celebrated God’s heart for orphaned and vulnerable children on the second Sunday in November.

Millions of children around the world are growing up without the love of a family. Many of those kids are living in institutional orphanages, and millions more are living on the streets, trafficked, or forced into combat.

These children are invisible to many. But while they might be overlooked by the world, we at The Hope Effect are confident God values each and every child and knows them by name. On Orphan Sunday, join us in standing we stand for orphaned and vulnerable children around the world.

If your church would like to participate, read on to learn how to can get involved!

join us on orphan sunday

Introduce your church leadership to the realities of the orphan care world and how you can help. Set up a time to connect with our Executive Director to create an engagement plan.

Visit our YouTube channel or blog to view stories of hope you can share with your church family on Orphan Sunday. And feel free to contact us if you’d like digital or printed material to distribute!

Join The Hope Effect’s Prayer Team and pray for hope as we work to change lives across the globe. Invite others to pray for orphaned and vulnerable children alongside you!

Want to know more? Click here to visit the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) site and learn more about the history of Orphan Sunday.

pray for hope


Your support of orphaned and vulnerable children can extend beyond Orphan Sunday! Join The Hope Effect’s Prayer Team and pray for hope as we work to change lives across the globe.

By joining our Prayer Team, you will receive one email each month with special prayer requests. Generally, requests will be for specific children in our care, the challenges or victories we are facing, our staff or partner organizations, or any other item in need of fervent prayer. We are confident incredible things will happen as we are faithful in prayer

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