A Life Transformed: Ximena’s Story

No child should ever have to endure violence, but Ximena* faced it at a very young age. She was removed from her biological family in Michoacán, Mexico, due to violent circumstances and placed in an orphanage.

Little is known about her past, but one thing is certain – Ximena was without the love and care of a family. While her basic needs were met in the orphanage, she lacked the love, safety, and security that only a family can provide.

In many parts of the world, children like Ximena often remain in institutional care for years, falling further behind in their development and facing an uncertain future. But thanks to your support, Ximena’s story took a different turn.

Just before her second birthday, Ximena was welcomed into the loving arms of a foster family. Surrounded by the warmth and care of a family, her life was forever changed.

Building Trust and Finding Comfort

Ximena’s foster family visited her every day for a month before she came to live with them. At first, Ximena was uncertain and hesitant to interact with the family, but as time went by, she began to warm up to them.

“When we first met her, she was very serious, very reserved,” said Ximena’s foster mother. “Little by little, she let us get a little nearer.”

Although Ximena became more comfortable with her foster family, she was still very reserved after she went to live with them. Her foster family noticed that she did not act how they would expect a child of her age to behave.

“She didn’t do much,” said her foster mom. “She didn’t talk, she didn’t communicate, she wouldn’t want to eat.”

But Ximena’s family wasn’t deterred; they were prepared to help her in whatever ways she needed. The family patiently worked with Ximena to establish trust, and implemented consistent routines to help her adjust to the family dynamic. Slowly but surely, Ximena adapted and soon began to thrive.

A New Beginning

After several weeks in family care, Ximena showed tremendous improvements in many areas.

Emotionally, Ximena progressed quickly as she grew closer to each member of her foster family. Where she previously lacked any facial expressions, she started showing emotion when she was happy, upset, or frustrated.

Ximena’s communication skills also developed rapidly. She went from not saying any words to naming several objects, and now she is able to express complete words and phrases! She even communicates her affection for her foster family, saying, “love you!”

Over time, Ximena became more sociable and enjoyed playing with other children her age. Her foster family reported that she seems much more confident, free, and happy – she even loves to sing!

The milestones keep coming, as Ximena is learning to get dressed and put her shoes on by herself. And there’s more learning ahead – Ximena is looking forward to starting preschool soon.

Ximena’s foster family is thrilled at the changes they’ve seen. In fact, her foster mother says she is a completely different child.

“She’s more outgoing, she expresses herself a lot better, and she walks around the house like she owns it now.”

Ximena’s life has been transformed through the love of a family. Thank you for making it possible!

All across Mexico, you are making a significant difference in the lives of children just like Ximena.

Our family care programs in Mexico are thriving, and more and more locations are asking us to help them get kids out of orphanages and back to family. In fact, the demand for family-based care in Mexico has outpaced our available resources.

We need your continued support to get even more kids out of orphanages and into loving families...where they belong.

So this August, as many parents are getting their kids ready to go back to school, we are focused on getting kids back to family. And if you give this month, your gift – and your impact – will be DOUBLED. A team of generous individuals has agreed to match every donation dollar for dollar!

Every gift, of any amount, makes a difference in the life of a child. Thank you so much for your partnership. Together, we are changing the way the world cares for orphans...because every child deserves a family.

*The child’s name has been changed to protect her privacy.


Celebrating One Year In Colima: Bella’s Story


Back To Family: Oscar’s Story