Taking the Time to Love: Nadia and Julia’s Story

“We knew that these little girls were worth it. We would accept our hearts getting broken one-thousand times over for the sake of these little lives, who get to find hope and healing…because our family took the time to love.

- Becca and Colin, family-style care providers in Santa Rosa, Honduras

Since The Hope Effect was founded in 2015, we have been working to provide family-style care in the country of Honduras. We have such a love for the people there, and there is a huge need in the area of orphan care. And thanks to your generosity and support, we are helping more kids find loving families than ever before.

We are currently working in Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras, to provide family-style care for orphaned and vulnerable children. Earlier this year, our partner organization, Legacy of Hope, entered into a new agreement with the government that will expand family-style care even further in that region.

We are so thankful that you are giving hope to the children of Santa Rosa. You are changing the lives of children like Nadia and Julia.

Nadia and Julia’s story

When sisters Nadia (four years old) and Julia (eight months old) were first placed into family-style care, it was clear they had experienced difficulty and trauma. They were frail and afraid, and they didn’t like to be held or hugged. They also didn’t giggle or laugh like typical children their age.

Although they were now in a loving family, these little girls had been hurt before…and they were not ready to trust.

But their new foster parents, Becca and Colin, shared a passion to care for the most vulnerable. They always knew they wanted to welcome children from hard places into their home and hearts. They immediately began to show the sisters the love, compassion, and care they needed to find hope and healing.

Growth And Healing

As the weeks went by, Becca and Colin noticed physical changes in both girls. Julia, the baby, could now hold her neck up by herself and sit unassisted. The dark circles under Nadia’s eyes faded, and the four-year-old’s cheeks filled in as she began to gain weight.

It was incredible to see what the love of a family could do in just a short time. And what’s more, as time went on, the girls’ personalities and demeanors changed as well. 

Even as a baby, Julia began to understand that she was being loved and cared for. She saw that Becca and Colin would come if she cried. She knew that if she was hungry, she would get food. If she needed to be held, she would be given comfort. Julia began to trust, and she started to grow and thrive.

Julia’s older sister Nadia transformed as well. Previously, she had been described by others as “the one with the grumpy face.” Now, her newfound laughter was infectious. Nadia began to play like a typical four-year-old, and people commented on how healthy she looked.

Valued, Cherished, and Worthy

Nadia and Julia continued their growth and healing during their time in family-style care. And recently, the sisters found a more permanent solution when they went to live with an extended family member.

Thanks to you, these beautiful little girls now know what it means to be part of a loving family. They know they are valued, cherished, and worthy of the love that every child needs and deserves.

Their lives are forever changed, as are the lives of Becca and Colin. They said they frequently get asked why they were willing to love the girls while knowing their hearts would be broken when it was time to say goodbye.

“There is hope in the restoration - for everyone involved. We will never get to reap the seeds we have sown in their lives, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t going to be growing. We saw so much healing in such a short time...we knew that these little girls were worth it.”

Worth It

These children are worth it - each and every child deserves a loving family. That’s why we are so thankful for families like Becca and Colin, who are willing to open their homes and hearts to orphaned and vulnerable children.

That’s why we are so grateful for YOU. You are making a difference the lives of children like Nadia and Julia. You are having an impact all over the world. Thank you so much for your support, partnership, and generosity.

 Together, we are changing the way the world cares for orphans!


Sharing Smiles: JJ’s Story


Wanted and Loved: Marcos’s Story