Angelica Found Her Safe Space Thanks To You

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Currently, the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting people across the globe. For many people, predictable routines have disappeared and a sense of security has been lost. 

Most of us are focusing on caring for our families and keeping everyone safe and healthy. And parents are doing their best to protect their children and reassure them that everything will be okay.

In stressful and uncertain times, it’s even more important that children receive the love, support, and care of a family. And because of you, that is becoming a reality for more and more orphaned and vulnerable children around the world. You are changing the lives of children like Angelica in Chihuahua, Mexico.

Angelica’s Story

Angelica was removed from her home when she was just an infant because she was not receiving proper care. In their report, authorities stated they believed her mother was under the influence of either drugs or alcohol.

Angelica was immediately placed in an infant care facility due to multiple health concerns. Because of her conditions, it was clear she needed to be under the guidance and care of medical specialists.

Soon after authorities brought Angelica to the care facility, they contacted our team in Chihuahua. Angelica was quickly placed with a loving family where she would get the individual attention and care that she – and every child – needs and deserves. 

Angelica is now being treated by specialists and receiving the necessary health care for her conditions. After three months in family-style care, Angelica is growing, developing, and reaching new milestones! She recently began to crawl and will soon be able to walk.

In addition, she is starting to bond with the family, and recognizes her home as a safe place. Angelica now has a sense of security and stability that is even more critical during these uncertain times. 

What an amazing transformation in a short amount of time! We are so thankful she is thriving and experiencing the love of a family. 

This wouldn’t be possible without your generosity and support. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of children like Angelica! You are changing the way the world cares for orphans. 


There's Never Been A Better Time To Give


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