changing the way the world cares for orphans
Because every child deserves a family.
the problem
There are an estimated 15.1 million orphans worldwide, with 2.7 million of them living in orphanages. And there is growing research on the damaging physical and psychological effects of traditional, institutional orphan care.
When children do not receive adequate personal interaction within a loving environment, development is stunted and learning abilities are delayed or lost. Many kids age out only to face a future of crime, prostitution, or trafficking.
our solution
The Hope Effect is changing orphan care by providing family-based solutions. Loving family-style care provides opportunities for each child to flourish and thrive. Access to health, dental, and social care is provided while each child is prepared for the future through education, responsibility, support and the structure that parents were designed to provide.
what makes us different?
Because family is the most effective model for development, we seek to mimic the family in all strategies.
We value education, self-discipline, work ethic, and healthcare as the foundation for kids to succeed in life.
We carry out our work with the highest level of excellence, treating each child as if he or she is our own.
We affirm all people are spiritual beings loved by a Creator who desires intimate involvement in their lives.